4 Ways to Enhance Customer Relationships Without Technology

Technology has come a long way. Especially in the retail sector, it has enhanced customer relationships tremendously. Most retailers would be lost without the ability to look up their customers on their point-of-sale systems and see a history of their purchases. But can you enhance customer relationships without the use of technology? Yes you can. Here are four tried-and-proven ways to do just that.
- Remember your customer’s name – In the old days of retailing, merchants got to know their customers. It’s a bit more difficult today with so many transient people running around. And multi-channel retailing makes it almost impossible to know where customers will show up next. Your customers likely shop at multiple brick-and-mortar stores within the same chain as well as online. However, if you have customers who are regulars, try to get to know them. When your customers are greeted by name as they walk in the store, or at the POS terminal, it will brighten their day and make them more more loyal to your retail brand.
- Reward your most loyal customers – Loyalty programs work. And, this one is cheating a little bit, because it still requires some type of technology. A loyalty card allows your customers to reap the rewards of purchasing from you by giving them gifts at certain retail milestones. Start a loyalty program for your customers.
- Keep your merchandising simple – Many retailers don’t think of merchandising as a way to build customer relationships, but it is. Every time a customer seeks a display, whether it is an endcap, a center aisle display, or a POS display, they are interacting with your brand. Make it personal, friendly, and attractive, and that will enhance your customer relationships.
- Keep your store clean – No one wants to shop in a dirty store. Have your employees sweep and mop the floors during non-peak traffic times. At the very least, sweep and mop at the end of every retail day. Make sure all merchandise is picked up off the floors and put on the racks and shelves where they belong. Tidy up your store and people will love shopping there.
Customer relationships can be enhanced with technology, but technology is not necessary to build solid relationships with your retail customers.