Do footwear retail the right way
Having the wrong footwear is one of the most uncomfortable experiences imaginable in our daily lives. Beyond that, there are so many different occasions that call for different types of footwear – men and women alike have their closets stocked with what seems like dozens of shoes these days.
A good footwear retail business is able to provide its customers with a wide range of comfortable, stylish, and robust shoes, sandals, heels, and other footwear to support events and needs of any kind. However, footwear retail management isn’t just about the products you sell. You need to maintain important and unique shipping methods, strong customer service, and much more. ChainDrive’s retail management solution is a software package that offers tools that help you do just that. Our diverse array of components will give you all of the features and flexibility you will need to succeed in even the most competitive markets.
With the sophisticated functionality offered by ChainDrive’s footwear software, you will be able to not only ship in pre-pack but distribute that way as well. This is critically important to footwear businesses in particular because you will save a lot of time by ensuring that shoes of the same size, style, and so on are kept in the correct groupings. Added to this is a mismatch management tool designed to further ensure that your products remain organized. Significantly lower time spent stocking your store floors by using the proper shipment and distribution methods.
You’ll also find a handy size analysis feature within ChainDrive footwear ERP software that helps you determine the best answer to an all-important question in footwear: Which sizes do I stock and how many of each? The satisfaction of your customers largely depends on the sizes you have available, so it is important to balance diversity of size with high volumes of the most common sizes. ChainDrive’s Size Analysis tool uses advanced formulaic methodology to help you come to a conclusion that you can trust.
Improve your footwear retail business with ChainDrive footwear software and see what you’ve been missing!