5 les avantages pratiques de Mobile Assistant
In many ways, mobile marketing and mobile commerce are taking over the business landscape. Even in retailing you see evidence that consumers are leaning toward their smartphones. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, ChainDrive’s best mobile POS software embraces it. That’s why we offer you the Assistant Mobile.
Comment la Assistant Mobile, vos clients Smile
Mobile Assistant is more powerful than even the name implies. Here are 5 very practical ways Mobile Point de vente can be useful to your chain of retail stores:
- Vérifier l'inventaire à l'échelle de la chaîne en temps réel – Imaginez un client marche dans votre magasin et de demander à une vendeuse pour un produit donné. Votre vendeuse saute sur leur smartphone ou tablette et effectue une recherche. Oui, magasin #85 à travers la ville a en stock dès maintenant. Votre client veut tenir ou transférez-le dans votre magasin ?
- Demande de transfert du magasin facile par courrier électronique de confirmation – Votre client souhaite l'élément transféré. Votre vendeuse envoie une requête pour stocker #85. En quelques secondes, elle reçoit un e-mail et clique sur le lien pour confirmer.
- Données client instantané – Votre client est un client fidèle de longue date qui a fait des emplettes à votre magasin des centaines de fois. Votre commis-vendeurs vous demande le nom du client et conclut Mobile Assistant. Tous les derniers achats du client s'affichent et vos notes de vendeuse qui l'élément transféré du magasin #85 sera capté par ce client lorsque l'article arrive.
- Facilitation des ventes incitatives et cross-selling – Your sales clerk notices in your customer’s history that a similar item was purchased in the past. The item is due for some routine maintenance and a part replacement. Your sales clerk mentions it to the customer and sells the customer a new part on the spot then schedules a maintenance check up for when the customer is scheduled to pick up her transferred item.
- better customer service – While she’s at it, your customer decides to verify your customer’s contact information. The phone number is correct, but the customer’s address is outdated. The sales clerk updates the customer’s contact information on the spot — snail mail and e-mail addresses. Your customer can start receiving your monthly catalog again.
Assistant mobile rend votre opération de vente au détail plus lisse
With Mobile Assistant / MPOS, your retail operation is more efficient and customer-centric. There are other features, as well. For instance, your sales clerk can search and filter results just as easily as working on a spreadsheet. Looking for a product that isn’t in your store? Mobile Assistant will search for that product for you and locate it–even if it’s in the warehouse.
Let Mobile Assistant help you deliver better customer service today with ChainDrive’s best logiciel mobile pour les détaillants d’aujourd’hui.
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[…] researching options from competitors. Some may even buy from a competitor while in your store! But equipping employees with mobile devices changes the dynamics of the […]