Les Communications internes peuvent faire ou défaire votre commerce de détail

Equip your people with IIM and make your business better.
Your retail business is made up of people. Those people use the tools you provide, the facilities, the data infrastructure, and all the rest to perform their duties so that your business is successful and they are rewarded. In retail, you need to interact with the public but more importantly, you need to be able to interact with the people in your business. Without effective internal communications, how can those people collaborate to do their job? How can your business do what you have planned? Are intégré interne Messaging(IIM) is designed to facilitate communications and collaboration throughout your entire enterprise and that will make your business successful.
How Internal Communications Can Break Your Retail Business
Today’s consumer knows that instant communication is possible. When you can contact someone on the other side of the globe immediately on a smartphone, it isn’t impressive when a business can’t contact another department as easily. If a customer has spoken to someone online about a special order and nobody at the store knows where it is when that customer arrives to pick it up, you have a problem.
- Look at the complaints and feedback that you have seen in your retail business in the past year.
- How many of those issues could have been resolved quickly if the right people could have talked to each other immediately?
- How many could have caused a break in your business by repelling a customer who then went to a competitor?
Comment les Communications internes peuvent rendre votre entreprise
ChainDrive designed Integrated Internal Messaging in response to the issues that retailers were finding. Instead of adding an external messaging platform, the integration of your communications optimizes interaction and collaboration. IIM can make your business better:
- All data is stored centrally and securely so it is simple to search by date, channel, name, content, or any other identifiable feature and get the information needed.
- Being informed gives staff empowerment and incentive to serve customers, take part in new initiatives and be part of your business. An empowered, connected staff is a loyal staff.
- IIM is mobile friendly because in retailing, people are moving around the store. It makes sense to have messaging available on a mobile POS device because the point of sale is often the point where clarification is needed.
Il n’y a plus d’explorer de l’are Intégré à la messagerie interne. Take a look at how IIM can work to make your business better.