Distributeurs spécialisés Besoin Haut Service à la clientèle
Ask any twenty-something where they got the nice glasses they are wearing and, chances are, those frames came from Warby Parker. Why? Because this company has made it a point to engage with customers directly, offering a high-quality product at very competitive prices. The détaillant spécialisé who can emulate this level of service is going to grow.
Que Warby Parker a fait était de reconnaître un besoin — eyewear that didn’t cost hundreds of dollars yet looked good. This need would have continued to be unmet if their customer service was not up to the challenge of a business based on providing individuals with unique, specific, customized products.
Détaillants spécialisés – Il ne suffit pas d'avoir de bons produits
The digitally-savvy twenty-something who buys Warby Parker glasses knows that this is not the only place to find eyewear. They are perfectly capable of finding an alternative online provider and not afraid to switch. But the customer service is what keeps these customers loyal. From the “essayer à la maison” ease of choosing a frame to the consistent help in going through the ordering process, this company makes customers happy.
Specialty retailers have worked hard to provide the unique products they offer. Many times, that unique and diverse product assortment is exactly what a consumer needs, but if your customer service is below standard they will find their products somewhere else.
Professionnellement conçu software for specialty retailers can keep all the details of the business organized and functional, from multiple SKUs and work orders to warranties and insurance claims. The ability to access real-time status on an order and quickly address issues improves the level of service customers receive.
Le logiciel de vente au détail de spécialité ChainDrive can simplify all the processes, including customer service, and result in streamlined operations. As consumers realize they can find the product they need with the level of service they demand, they become loyal customers who share their experience. This leads to increased revenue and higher profits.