Is Specialty Retail Really Any Different?

Specialty retailers have their own ways of doing things. There’s some truth in that. But retail is still retail. You have customers, you have to drive traffic to your stores, and you’ve got to move your merchandise. The basic elements of the retail business are still the same.
That said, there are some unique elements to every kind of specialty retail store that makes it a “specialty.”
Pet stores, for instance, could include a grooming service. That’s certainly different than anything any other type of retail store can offer. And it could be a huge part of your retail operations, a very profitable feature that brings in business for your actual products. As a pet store retailer, you need a way to track, monitor, and merchandise your grooming service.
Eyewear specialists may need to schedule eye examination results. Pharmacists need to fulfill subscriptions sent them by physicians. Both of these specialty retailers may have licensed professionals in each store to perform specific services for their customers in addition to performing other routine retail functions such as selling eyeglasses, sunglasses, and vitamins.
No matter what kind of specialty retail store you manage, there are specific retail functions that you are going to have in common with other retailers. But there will also be special services, and products, that you offer that are not easily found in department stores and other retail operations. Those are the features that your store so unique. But you still, like all retailers, need tools that help you manage the day-to-day operations of your stores.
ChainDrive specializes in retail operations management solutions, both for traditional retailers and for specialty retail stores. When it comes to operations management, you need a way to monitor productivity, manage prices, and keep track of your specialty services.
What’s holding your specialty retail store back? If it’s not having the right tools, you can fix that.