What Links Your Business From One End To The Other?
Data needs to move in order to be useful. Inventory updates, purchase details, customer information, and all the other pieces of data that involve your business are not worth much until they can be connected in meaningful ways. That’s why ChainDrive’s ecommerce Payment Gateway component is designed to link your business from one end to the other.
Digital Highways
Data infrastructure is like a highway that enables pieces of information to move where it is needed. Just as individual vehicles need a highway system that is designed to move traffic quickly to where it needs to go, data needs a “highway system” that is designed to do the same. If the highway for vehicles is poorly designed, there are traffic jams where the road is too narrow and no exits for a needed destination. If your data infrastructure is isolated into silos of ecommerce, brick-and-mortar locations, etc. there is no freely moving information connecting the channels. This slows down the movement of data within your business just like a closed exit forces traffic to detour and be delayed.
Integrated Efficiency
ChainDrive’s centralized database is the key to the integrated efficiency that characterizes this innovative retail management software platform. From this central location, data can move freely to the needed location via an infrastructure that is designed to work efficiently. There is no isolation of information that must be accessed by tortuous detours. The centralized database enables integration of the exact information in real time for the task at hand. Price management, for example, can be evaluated across all channels so decisions are made with all pertinent factors in mind.
Seamless Ecommerce Payment Gateway Connectivity
The things going on in the back end of your business directly affect the front end. Customers don’t care about shipping delays or supply chains unless they can’t get the item they ordered. But commerce depends on these things and a consistent, reliable way to see what is happening in real time. The internet extends the need for connection to third-party ecommerce sites and your own online store. How can you connect all the places your customers find you with accurate status updates?
ChainDrive’s ecommerce Gateway provides the interface and the seamless connectivity to keep real-time data flowing freely from one end of your business to the other. Like a well-designed highway system, it provides the infrastructure that links everything together.