Retail Management Software Blog Blog

retail supply chain

6 Ways to Manage Inventory Better

Inventory management is one of the most important aspects of running a retail chain. It could mean the difference between a profit and a loss. With that in mind, here are six ways to...

sporting goods retail

Outdoor Retailer Summer Market

Retailers will soon descend upon Salt Lake City, Utah. In early August. ChainDrive will once again be an exhibitor at the market, which is scheduled for August 4 through 8, 2015. Tuesday, August 4...

EMV Liability Shift – Are you ready?

What is EMV? EMV® stands for EuroPay®, MasterCard® and Visa® the three companies which originally created the standard. The standard is now managed by EMVCo, a consortium with control split equally among Visa®, MasterCard®, JCB,...

warehouse management solution

Managing Warehouses Like a Retailing Pro

When you think of warehouse management, do you think of inventory? Logistics? Merchandise? If not, you should. Your warehouse management system can make or break your retail chain’s operations. It could mean the difference...

7 Steps to Better Customer Service

The key to great customer service in today’s retail climate is through customer relationships. Every retailer can improve their customer service drastically just by implementing a few customer relationship management (CRM) processes across the...

6 Web Fulfillment Principles for E-tailers

Whether you are a brick-and-mortar retail operation or strictly an e-tail company, you’ll have to figure out the most effective way to manage your Web fulfillment processes. You can try to re-invent the wheel...