Tagged: inventory management

buying and selling cycles

Controlling the Retail Buying and Selling Cycles

Retailers of all stripes profit by controlling two cycles–the buying cycle and the selling cycle. If you control one, you only have half control over your merchandising. If you control them both, you’ve got...

omnichannel retail management

Why Omnichannel is a Must for Retailers

Online retail is driving brick-and-mortar companies out of business, and impacting several industries across the board. The Cheatsheet listed some of those business last year: Borders Books, Tower Records, and Circuit City, to name...

sports retailing

How to Win at Sports Retailing

Sports retailers have a special mission in life. They exist to help the winners win games, and to the extent that they provide the tools that allow winners to do what they do best,...

6 Qualities of Successful Footwear Retailers

Whether your footwear products appeal to upscale ladies, children, or casual wearers, the way to be successful in retail today is to focus on three things – the product, the customer, and the bottom...

web order fulfillment

6 Keys to Successful Web Order Fulfillment

Every retailer today knows that e-commerce is here to stay, but how important is web order fulfillment? If you don’t get this right, your e-commerce strategy will fail. ChainDrive offers these six keys to...

retail product life cycle

Understanding the Retail Product Life Cycle

Retail chain operations managers can make their stores and chains more profitable simply by understanding the retail product life cycle better. In general, there are five distinct life cycles for any retail product. Below...