Catégorie : ChainDrive

détail de la décoration de la maison

Home Decor Highlights The Holidays

Your customers are already thinking about how they will decorate for the various holidays coming up: how many are getting inspiration from your store? Home Decor is an area of retailing that is constantly...

efficacité de grand magasin

Où les gens achètent des bijoux ?

The Jewelers of America Cost of Doing Business Report has observed some interesting trends in where retail jewelers are actually interacting with their customers. It shows that the need for an online presence is...

L'erreur haut de la page avec le logiciel CRM

CRM — gestion de la relation client — est l’un des aspects plus importants de la gestion au détail, mais avec le logiciel CRM, le client n’est pas la personne la plus importante. Erreur la plus répandue dans le choix...

3 Tips For Optimal Product Assortment

Optimal product assortment is the goal for all apparel retailers, but it is particularly important for apparel retailing. Far too many customers get overwhelmed when presented with all their options. Unfortunately for the retailer,...

Renvoie devrait être Omni-canal, aussi

The retail customer of today expects that Customer Relationship Management will function smoothly no matter which channel they use to access a particular retail business. It may be called multi-channel or omni-channel Retail CRM...