Retail Management Software Blog Blog

5 E-Commerce Problems That Have Solutions

There isn’t any way to avoid online shopping and stay competitive in retail. But without solutions to the problems inherent in e-commerce, the attempt to stay competitive by offering online purchasing is going to...

unique management solutions

Is Your Store Ready To Compete Online?

This was a record-breaking Cyber Monday for retailers, according to IBM. Now more than ever, the need for web order fulfillment or online order fulfillment software processes that work efficiently as part of an...

product management

Why Does Product Management Need A Matrix?

“ChainDrive’s power tool, the matrix, centralizes and facilitates the complexities of supply chain management throughout the product lifecycle, providing you with all the necessary tools you need to effectively manage your most valuable asset,...

retail merchandising

Make It Easy To Buy A Lot

Merchandising is a basic part of retail life, so for the professional retailer, it’s easy to shop for yourself, right? Well, not so much for many folks because there’s so much to choose from....

Are Your Customers Your Pinterest Followers?

Social media is far too influential to be ignored, particularly when it comes to retail shoppers. The reviews and recommendations of those on sites like Pinterest are a powerful marketing force. As a result,...